What is dignity?

I’m sitting here with the judgement in Maya Forstater’s employment tribunal in front of me and, honestly, finding it hard to find the words to express the frustration I feel. Yes, the fact the judge says that sex is, apparently, now considered mutable is laughable and ridiculous. Yes, the implications of this for the rights […]

DSDvoices: Turners syndrome, healthcare and identity

Guest blog by @soulfoodie, Jennifer Milligan Part of connecting to other people with intersex conditions/DSDs is exploring the often deeply painful experiences that go along with these conditions at the hands of the medical profession. I hope ok to write a post exploring my reflections on having a DSD and issues of trauma. This will […]

The problem with intersex surgeries

Before you read this post, let me warn you, I’m probably not going to say what you think. Well, that’s not quite true, there will be some people who will know what I’m gonna say and be annoyed by it. That’s cool. People reading my blog and being so incensed by it that they feel […]

The devolution of the left

So, this tweet, from James Lindsay, sharing the thoughts of an evolutionary biologist, was shared into a group chat I’m in, and I wanted to talk about it here. I’ll include the screengrab of the email he’s talking about for those who don’t want to click away. Firstly, it’s important because not all biologists feel […]

Okey dokey, wokey blokey

As I’m on the subject of people tone policing those of us with DSDs, I want to share this. I thought this thread was gone forever but, by magic and perseverance, I’ve managed to retrieve it. This may be big headed but I’m so pleased. It’s one of the things I’m most proud of ever […]