If you knew Susie…

While we’re on the subject of Mermaids and funding, it reminds me of another thread I wrote, detailing the antics of Mermaids CEO, Susie Green. I know people referred to it quite a bit, so it seems as good a time as any to revisit that and update the information. For context, as ever, this […]

Follow the money

Someone asked for some information I shared a while ago about funding and trans orgs in the UK. I can’t remember the exact tweet I was responding to at the time but it was something along the lines of “UK TERFs have been funded by the American right wing since 2016”. Anyway, my experience with […]

Don’t Call Me Cis

I often see trans activists and their allies laughing at the idea that not everyone has a “gender identity”, so I’m going to tell you a story that proves it. This will also explain a bit about my condition so it’s quite personal. Then we’ll see who’s laughing.   Okay, so my condition (MRKH) isn’t usually evident at birth. On […]