The problem with intersex surgeries

Before you read this post, let me warn you, I’m probably not going to say what you think. Well, that’s not quite true, there will be some people who will know what I’m gonna say and be annoyed by it. That’s cool. People reading my blog and being so incensed by it that they feel […]

The devolution of the left

So, this tweet, from James Lindsay, sharing the thoughts of an evolutionary biologist, was shared into a group chat I’m in, and I wanted to talk about it here. I’ll include the screengrab of the email he’s talking about for those who don’t want to click away. Firstly, it’s important because not all biologists feel […]

DSDvoices: Endosex Dad

Guest post by a parent of a child with mixed gonadal dysgenesis. The ultrasound. And with it, the excitement of being able to discover the sex of your growing baby far sooner than earlier generations. A modern rite of passage along the pathway of prospective parenthood. Perhaps that excitement fraudulently obscured the reality that would […]

DSDvoices: A Parent’s Perspective

This week’s DSDvoices is from the parent of a child with mixed gonadal dysgenesis, one of the most rare and complex intersex conditions. I think it’s probably one of the most important stories I have ever shared. As I often say, no one expects an intersex baby. Sharing the stories and perspectives of parents who […]

What is intersex?

I was helping a friend of a friend out last night and they asked me to describe what intersex is. Although there are a couple of posts on here that explore the different conditions and how they affect development, I realised I haven’t answered the basic question ‘what is intersex?’ So, I thought I’d share […]

If you knew Susie…

While we’re on the subject of Mermaids and funding, it reminds me of another thread I wrote, detailing the antics of Mermaids CEO, Susie Green. I know people referred to it quite a bit, so it seems as good a time as any to revisit that and update the information. For context, as ever, this […]